The Hardest Part...
Life is naught,
but the sum of choices we make…
Of the trails
left untrodden, of the paths we take…
scarcely are easy, every resolution is a tough start…
Even if light
shines ahead, walking those last few paces in the dark is the hardest part…
Principles may
feed one’s conscience, but an empty stomach still rumbles…
With every
diversion from one’s code, self-esteem little by little crumbles…
For one may
loathe the rat race and fly curses to Corporates that smart…
But choosing to
live for greater good with a cold hearth and empty belly is the hardest part…
To err is
human, and to be opinionated about everything is absolute crime…
Imposing one’s
prejudice disguised as advice – truly the greatest sin of all time…
Though making someone
they care for live their tried and tested way is in everyone’s heart…
But choosing to
let him stumble, fall, bruise, get up, brush off and learn is the hardest part…
Time and again
it has been said, friendship is your most cherished treasure…
Abandon all
pursuit of it when in your friend’s happiness you find pleasure…
Such are the
matters of heart, seldom it’s difficult to tell friendship and love apart…
But choosing to
let go, mature up and move on to friendship again is the hardest part…
The choice
which appears simplest is oft the hardest of them all…
Denial and
procrastination never save you, you have to make a call…
One who does
resort to easy outs is not worthy of another breath of this air…
One who does plunge
into the tunnel – even if it seems faint, the light at the end is real, is
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