The Everyday Divine...

Negativity clouded these eyes leaving me blind to all that is benign…
And then one day my skeptical eyes opened to the everyday divine…

It’s amazing how the poorest jokes of my friends stick to my mind…
How relieving the base joys of pranks and sheer idiocy I find…
Surprisingly these little things bring a spring in the step replacing the plod…
For it is in these little things, I feel sublime, I find god…

There’s some unearthly pleasure in the silences I share with my love…
Looking at those shy eyes, teasing her and getting a playful shove…
Even in talking of mundane things, the affection leaves me awed…
For it is in those mundane words, I find meaning, I find god…

It stumps me how my sister always knows what I want to hear…
One smile from her calms me, my heart melts when she calls me “papa bear”…
She keeps ribbing me, attacking my back with punches and prods…
And in those shots of love, I find unflinching support, I find god…

I miss her, rue the day she was taken from me, find it hard to believe it’s true…
The empty space she left behind, her loss paints my days in a pale hue…
Time and happy memories sure removed the pain, which at my heart, clawed…
And now in her loss, in her memories, I find lessons, I find god…

No happiness is too small but for those who are alive but not living…
In the pomp of this flashy world, recognize the divinity, sublimity of little things…


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