The Last Roar...

For the posterity that now dwells, it is just another legend of yore…
But these old eyes have seen his face; these ears still ring with his last roar…

Born of royal blood, he was a proud son of great sires…
His face a pool of tranquility, but his eyes burned with the holy fire…
His flowing mane was a source of jealousy in the pride…
His lithe albeit muscular body moved in slow confident strides…

When he came of age, on a paradisaical day, he found his great love…
The fire in his eyes raged with passion, as he received this blessing from above…
Her love, an essence of divinity, brought true happiness in his life…
He gave up his ascension to power hungry brothers, and moved out with his wife…

Alas, honor seldom begets honor in this crooked world…
The venomous snake of evil poised to strike, which till then had lain curled…
Treacherous friends and zealous brothers joined forces to take him out…
Oh how they maligned his name! Infusing even his ardent lovers with doubt…

Then came the day, evil reared its ugly head; as low as hell these devils stooped…
They sought out his family, and obliterated his wife and son in one fell swoop…
No birds sang that day; the vultures flew at a distance, scared to approach the dead…
The trepid sun hid behind clouds, as he came back to find his home stained red…

I have seen souls passing on to the next world out of the dead…
But only once did I see the soul escaping a living, let this be said…
As he keened alone, drowned in insurmountable sorrow and pain…
The heavens felt his anguish and washed the dead clean with rain…

The fire in him burning bright, of the earlier soft glow had no semblance…
The eyes that had sparkled with pride, then love, glowed with terrible vengeance…
Pure madness and bloodlust reining in his heart could be seen in his glower…
Those imbeciles who chose to believe the lies, now in fear ran and cowered…

Clouded as he was with rage, the blood of just sires flowed in his veins…
And so he decided that only on the conspirators would his fury rain…
He stood at the royal gates, once his home, and called out the cowardly villains…
His teeth yearned to taste their flesh, his paws eager to give them deathly pains…

A disgrace to their race, the cowards pounced on him all at once…
He fought them tooth and nail, hardly giving them any quarter, any chance…
But evil again forced its upper hand; the devils struck a killer blow…
Injured beyond recovery, his blood tempestuously began to flow…

For all we knew, to his injuries, he was surely going to succumb…
But what we saw, struck awe and fear in our minds and left us dumb…
It is said as the God of Death himself came down to lead him on…
He cringed on seeing those eyes, and respecting his wish gave him strength to go on…

And so he rose again, back from the dead to have his vengeance fulfilled…
With unimaginable ruthlessness, he snuffed the life out of his enemies and completed his kill…
His thirsty tongue tasted their blood and his bloodlust finally quenched…
As he turned around, each heart palpitated with fear, sweat and tears had everyone drenched…

I saw his face, bloodied and scarred beyond recognition…
Those eyes now lit with disgust but not seeking retribution…
The silence that entailed was the hardest time in my overly long life…
And it was then he let out his last roar, in our disgust, in honor of his wife…

That was the last time anybody saw him, and he wasn't heard of thereafter…
Time has turned the pages of life here and fate has written new chapters…
This degenerate progeny has chosen to forget everything of the events that happened before…
But I who was cursed with a long life, still see that face, those eyes, and still hear his last roar…


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