At The Precipice (Part I) – Realization...

Every day I walked down the same old road…
Every minute, bowed down by an immovable load…
Every second spent wretchedly with innumerable indulgences to corrode…
Never did I stop…never, but here…at the precipice…

Always under the pressure of grades, lost my will to learn…
Self-improvement took a back seat, humbling others, was for what I yearned…
Even at the face of failure, never did I reflect on the days I’d burned…
Never did I stop…never, but here…at the precipice…

I threw away my most precious gift, my health…
Squandering relentlessly in poisons, my wealth…
Laughed away at warnings, brushed off caring hands...
Never did I stop...never, but the precipice...

Grew tired of the parents I once reverred...
Took for granted the love I no longer deserved...
Shirked off my duties, spouted hate at responsibilties with no reserve...
Never did I stop...never, but the precipice...

I lost my panacea, my friends to my erratic moods...
Cursed at them in anger, drove them off for good...
Did away with the idea of friendship, reclused in myself as far as i could...
Never did I stop...never, but the precipice...

I had felt love once, my heart beat for a girl...
But my insecurities took her away, I lost that pearl...
Gave up on love, uncontrolled grief in me began to swirl...
Never did it stop...never, but the precipice...

Here I stand..6 feet from the edge...
A tear in my eye..a smile on my lips...
For I saw god..sitting by me on a ledge...
Reassurance I received..some blessings and tips..
And now that I think about it, this is all I can say-
Here, at the precipice..realization has dawned..
And here, at the precipice..redemption is not far away...


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