Going Home...

Home is where the heart lies, they say…
For long have I lived apart from it, but today,
Leaving behind this soulless world, albeit for a few days,
I am going to my paradise…I am going home…

Love for me meant her tender smile…
Those loving caresses, which I missed all the while…
Those gentle rebukes whose memories bring tears to my eyes…
I am going to that angel, my mother…I am going home…

“Superhero” brought the face of only one man to mind…
His stare and words resounded in me, both tough and kind…
Whenever in a fix, help and advice in him, I’d always find…
I am going to my strength, my father…I am going home…

Pulling her hair, stealing her crayons was the ultimate fun…
Going to her crying after a dark day, for she was my sun…
When called by mother for breakfast, grabbing her hand to run…
I am going back to my soul mate, my sister…I am going home…

Brawl with him, was the favorite sport…
Being artful pranksters, teasing others and then hiding in our room, our fort…
Quipping the other over an untold secret with angry retorts…
I am going back to my best friend, my brother…I am going home…

Home, where I took my first tiny steps…
Where I had my first fall, but stood up and leapt…
Where I lived Shakespeare’s first three ages…
Many incidents both sad and happy filled my pages…
That treasure trove of memories-
First steps, first words, first fight...
First crush, first heartbreak n then sleepless nights…
All those beckon me…call me to that serene haven…
For days has my soul longed…no more…I am going home……


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