Ode to Sleep

There was, is, and will be only one among the mass…
The demure, enthralling, enticing, intoxicating lass…
‘The Woman’ who strikes hard with a killer aim…
‘Sleep’ she is called, the most ravishing dame…

With silent steps she comes, creeps up on me from behind…
Her velvety hands cover my eyes, her body warm against mine…
As I throw away the day’s burden, she takes my hand, tugs me to bed…
Kisses my worry lines smooth, and I doze off with the pillow of her lap beneath my head…

A song she sings, to my mind and soul…
And her symphony tunes out everything, such magic I behold…
A tumult of sensations her illusions bring over in my slumber…
Robbing me of my verve, the sly conjurer shows me things I can never remember…

Reprieve I find in her, from the deathly boring moments…
Solace and happiness I enjoy, swimming away in a river of her conjurations…
But the sweet seductress is not an angel, parts of her cruelly playful…
Unpleasant memories she revives seldom, leaving me sweaty and tearful…

As she knocks me out cold, incomplete work burns me to a crisp toast…
Often she overpowers me, when I need my vitality the most…
Love and terror, contradictory and confusing feelings abound for her in my heart…
In a moment my savior becomes my bane, with shrewdness I can never outsmart…

Nevertheless, determined I am, to play this game…
When the beauty unleashes her wrath on me, with cups of strong coffee I have her tamed…
This flirting, a war for power over my senses, will go on day and night…
Until the death knoll sounds, and burying the hatchet, we lovers finally unite…


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